Vidya Software Development

With over 15 years of experiance we transform businesses with powerful and adaptable digital solutions that satisfy the needs of today and unlock the opportunities of tomorrow.

The Sky's The Limit

We Create Unique Tools That Help Your Business Grow

Our experienced team of software engineers, graphical designers, SEO specialists and data analysts are here to cater the needs of your company, allowing you to focus on your product and marketing.

Be it a project based or full back to front service, we got you covered

We Solve Real Problems

Explore Our Offering

Software Development

The development of reliable and scalable software solutions for any OS, browser and device. We bring together deep industry expertise and the latest IT advancements to deliver custom solutions and products that perfectly fit the needs and behavior of their users.


Search Engine Optimization strategies and tactics that will increase organic search visibility on Google, generating leads, sales, and revenue. Our team will keep you and your business updated on the newest, most effective SEO services and strategies to dominate your market.

Cybersecurity Services

Secure your Servers, websites, APIs, and Internet applications. Protect networks, employees, and devices. Write and deploy code that runs on the network edge. Prevent DDoS attacks and security bridges to your cloud hosted servers.


Achieve fact-based decision-making by converting real-time data into actionable insights. Our services are tailored to make the raw data and the environment ready, as well as strengthen the business with advanced analytics capabilities.

UX/UI Design

User experience and user interface design for all types of websites, SaaS, and web/mobile apps. We combine the latest UI/UX trends with our customers’ individual goals and needs to deliver intuitive, vibrant, and impactful designs that power up businesses.

Application Services

The full set of services around development and maintenance of complex business-critical applications. Our experts build, test, deploy, protect, manage, migrate and optimize enterprise-scale digital solutions ensuring they’re always up and running and achieve the optimal TCO.

Do You Want To Boost Your Business?

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Phone +972-3-5466242

Mail: POBox 6555, Tel Aviv ISRAEL